“How do I know that if I make a new start, everything will get better?” I asked this question, it circles in my mind the moment I think of starting over. When you are in the deepest pit of sadness, despair and feel like you just want to hide, making a commitment to start over seems like a tall order. You want some form of guarantee, an assurance that says:
“IF you do this, THEN you get this.”
Well there is such a guarantee in scripture, it pertains to wisdom found in Prov 2:1-11. This passage establishes that “the Lord gives wisdom” which is exactly what we all need to cope with life. It tells me that even though I may not have wisdom in my possession, it is something that can be acquired. How?
If you…
- Receive the words of God…
- Treasure them for the value that they hold…
- Inclining your ear to what they have to say…
- Applying it to the condition of your heart…
- Crying out for discernment, seeing what is not clearly seen…
- Searching for wisdom with a heart attitude that looks for hidden treasure or silver.
- You will understand what it is to fear the Lord and find knowledge in Him.
- Wisdom will enter your heart, you will have knowledge, receive discretion and have understanding that is not of human nature.
- Gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
- Holds victory in the ready for all who trust in Him.
- Is a shield to them from trouble.
- Guards their way through life.
- Protects them from the enemy.
For whom does He does this…
- The upright, those whose walk is blameless, whose course is just, His faithful ones.
What a guarantee to hold onto for a new start. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, victory, a shield from trouble, a guard and protection, all of this for the small price of seeking Him out in a sincere manner, treasuring His word, applying it to my life and being hungry for Him. But wait there is more! I will find a new understanding of what it means to fear the Lord and I will be able to face whatever life throws at me.
James 1:5 repeats this guarantee:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”
Wisdom comes from God and is given to us when we sincerely seek it and ask for it.
It starts with respect for God, leads to right living and results in an ability to make wise decisions in difficult circumstances. It is a practical discernment between right and wrong and an understanding of the life path which one is to walk.
For me it is translated into my heart as:
Go with the Lord into life, seek Him out above all else and He will guide you through whatever life brings.
Thank You Father that You are my guarantee for life. If I seek You, with all of my heart, mind, soul and body, You will watch over me. Not only will you protect me, but You have victory in store for me. Thank You that because of Jesus, I stand before You as one of the righteous ones and can count on You as my God. It is true that if I look to You, I will never be put to shame (Psalm 34:5). Your eyes are on the righteous, your ears attentive to their cry and I know that You hear me and deliver me from all my trouble (Psalm 34:15-17).
What Does a New Start Require?
Dealing With the Voices of Failure
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