With all the information available in the world, how does one navigate through life confidently, avoiding the pitfalls and mistakes others make and protecting oneself from an unrelenting enemy of the soul. We need wisdom! This bible study asks:
- Why Get Wisdom?
- What is Wisdom?
- How do I get Wisdom?
- What does Wisdom look like?
- How to apply wisdom in our lives?
A study and meditation on Colossians 3:1-17 and Ephesians 4:21-32 to facilitate a process of spiritual spring cleaning of your life, particularly in the area of how you relate to other people. The meditation and reflection aims at character work to prepare you for the next season of your life. This study examines:
- What needs to be removed from your relationships?
- What the Lord wants to build into your character and person?
- How He wants you to live the new life out in Christ.
Would you like to deepen your relationship with God?
God uses garden imagery and metaphors in scripture to teach us principles for spiritual growth. Join me as I share insights on building a relationship with God as well as spiritual lessons learnt from my own garden. This study examines:
- The imagery and metaphors of gardening in the bible
- Garden imagery that speaks to our spiritual growth
- How to apply the principles of scripture to your personal life and spiritual growth
- Challenging you to work your spiritual garden for greater productivity.
Have you prayed: Lord make be a vessel, make me an offering, make me whatever You want me to be.
If you have said this prayer, this 6 part study that facilitates reflection and meditation is just for you.
We reflect on why we serve, who we serve and how to serve.
We answer the question “How will God use me?” and “What will happen if God uses me?”
Then we reflect on “How can I be used of Him more?”
Everybody faces a season of perseverance in their lives eventually.
Only thing is most of us don’t know why we need to persevere and why everything cannot be fixed straight away.
And what do we do when the perseverance is long and the way forward uncertain.
This study asks: How do I persevere? Does God help me? What do I do in the meantime?
A 28 day study made up of four week studies that can be done on their own.
Week 1: Immeasurably More
We explore the state of our faith and why we would want faith.
Week 2: Evaluate My Faith Lord
This week we evaluate our faith to find where it is undermined and weakened.
Week 3: Maintaining Your Faith
We explore habits of the mind and heart that contribute to the strength of your faith. Also exploring common mistakes which, if left unchecked will break down and undermine our faith.
Week 4: Living a Life of Faith
In this last week we explore the application of our faith in life, so that our faith does become the assurance of things we hope for and develops a conviction of things we cannot see.