Heart Treasure Offers:
Personal spiritual insights
Encouragement and life wisdom
Guides to mentorship topics and possible bible study content
Answers to questions commonly asked
God conversations on a certain topic
But mostly spiritual food to meditate on, to encourage you to move into a deeper relationship with God and your fellow man.
How this blog works?
I try post once a week. I mostly quote from the New International Version (UK edition) bible. If I quote from any other bible, I will provide this information in the reference. I believe that if a blog is worth following, it has to have worthwhile content, so I take care to write something which is “meaty”, well thought out and meditated over. My goal is to post scriptural “treasures” or information that is helpful to you, will challenge you and encourage you in your own walk with the Lord. It is my deepest hope and earnest prayer that you benefit by your visits.
Please consider subscribing to the blog and I will send you a regular email with my latest blog post.
Blog categories
Latest Posts
Togetherness is Good
Being together is not the same as togetherness. Two people [...]
Love On the People You Love
Who is in your life today that makes your heart flow with thanksgiving to the Lord? If you have a friend or group of friends who faithfully follow the Lord and remain steadfast year after year, take the time to tell them what treasured friends they are.
Hannah – Blessed to be a blessing
Hannah's story shows us how our blessings are actually meant to be a blessing for others. She also shows us the importance of being faithful to the Lord and generously giving Him our treasures.
Why We Don’t Follow Through?
Six reasons why we don't follow through on our goals and plans.
I remember hearing once that whatever you spend your time focusing on, will determine the quality of your life. Just how important is focus and on what?
Five Pillars to Start Over
When we set out to make a new start in our lives, here are five areas we need to review with God's help.