Some days just start off wrong: the alarm didn’t go off; the milk for breakfast is sour and you can’t find your car keys. By the time you are out the door you have stood on the dog; fought with your spouse; screamed at your children and all you can think of is the mountain of work ahead of you.
The worst day for this to happen is Monday. Monday is the day for a “new start”; it’s the day to get your “act together” and it is the “first day” of the week. Monday determines the rest of the week and when Monday goes wrong… it seems as if the whole of life goes wrong.
Ever received one of those “Have a Good Day” messages when you are not having a good day? My point exactly!
I realise that one cannot have a happy day every day, where everything goes your way. I also know that a day that starts off badly, can still be a good day. I also know that everyday is an opportunity to start over, no matter what yesterday looked like!
How does one go about having a good day?
They say, as far as possible start well: Have a good nights sleep, exercise regularly, drink water first thing in the morning, eat breakfast. Smiling also seems to be associated with a good day: we give off positive energy and seem approachable and friendly. Personally, I don’t believe that these things have significant impact on your day, other than starting out positive. But I once heard these three suggestions which I find make for a good day, most days:
Own It:
We all have a finite time on this planet, a certain number of days that are planned for our lives. “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16)
Each day we are given is from the Lord, as explained in Psalm 118:24 (KJV) “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Those that live wisely keep track of days, Moses prayed: “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)
We are to be responsible for our days. We need to take possession of them because they are a finite number, they are our days and no-one can lay claim on them unless we give them away. It all comes down to choice: you can just let the day pass-on into infinity, or you can own it as your day!
Order It:
Have a plan for the day, even if it is just a rough plan, but plan to achieve something. Having a sense of achievement each day, goes a long way towards managing stress. People plan to different levels of detail, but the fool is one who does not plan.
“The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.” (Prov 14:8)
“Fools fold their hands and ruin themselves.” (Ecc 4:5)
Have a plan for your day and execute it.
Occupy It:
To occupy something means to fill completely both in time and space; to dwell or reside in something completely; to seize possession and maintain control over it. All of these describe an attitude to embrace when it comes to your day, more commonly understood as “living life to the fullest.” The most important thing to ask: What in my day, causes “my cup to overflow?” (Psalm 23:5) which is God’s desire for my life. Jesus Himself said, “The thief is only there to steal, kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” (John 10:10)
The secret of a good day: Own it, Order it, Occupy it.
This makes a good day. Many good days make a good week. Good week…good month… good year… good life!
Here’s to a good life!
And if today has started out badly and life is happening to you, there is always the choice to take back the day and make it a good day!
Father, thank you for everyday of my life. Thank you that I am alive and that today You have planned for me to be on this earth. Help me to live this day in an appreciation that the breath I have in my lungs is from You and that You have planned a life for me that is full and meaningful. Help me to be intentional about how I spend my days and even when they don’t start off so well, to choose to make them count, anyway. Thank you that Your Spirit is available to me to help me through each day and that I never face life alone.
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For more reading:
Five Pillars to Help You Start Over
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