South African Christian Blog

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21

This verse is in essence what this blog is about, spiritual treasures hidden in the heart. Here you will find:

    • Personal spiritual insights
    • Encouragement and mentorship
    • God conversations on a certain topic
    • Online Bible Studies to be used in your quiet time with the Lord

About the person behind the blog:

Hi, my name is Michelle du Toit and welcome to my heart. I have known the Lord for over 38 years and I  am still passionate about Jesus.  This blog shares that journey with the Lord, my personal treasures that I have hidden in my heart, gleaned from the Word of God.

I live in Johannesburg, South Africa and am married to Adrian with two adult children, Timothy and Jessica. These three are my greatest gift, together we have learnt many valuable lessons.  With their encouragement in October 2012, Heart Treasure was born.

What started in simple obedience has since become a source of information to many.  I use it personally in both in my counselling and mentoring work.  To make the information more accessible, I am constantly making improvements to the website, and writing new content.  With more than a years worth of blog posts, I am currently working these into bible studies that can be used in your quiet time.

What makes my heart throb?

I love working with women, and I believe in mentoring according to Titus 2:3-5 (NIV)

 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children,  to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

As a result I have spent many years pouring what I know and understand into the lives of other women in my own circle of influence and then in a group called Cedars (  After 15 years and with the advent of COVID, Cedars has closed down and now I am focusing on making the material we have used over the last 15 years available to others in the form of books, retreats and workshops.

I regularly speak at churches, retreats and women’s events and besides being involved in mentoring, I have in the past been joint organiser of the annual Beauty for Ashes Women’s Conference which was held in Johannesburg every May. (  I have also written for Joy Magazine in their Women of Grace series.  If you would like to contact me for speaking engagements, please feel free to use the contact page on the website.

How this blog works?

I try post once a week.  I mostly quote from the New International Version (UK edition) bible.  If I quote from any other bible, I will provide this information in the reference.  I believe that if a blog is worth following, it has to have worthwhile content, so I take care to write something  which is “meaty”, well thought out and meditated over.  My goal is to post scriptural “treasures” or information that is helpful to you, will challenge you and encourage you in your own walk with the Lord.  It is my deepest hope and earnest prayer that you benefit by your visits.

If you do not want to miss one of my heart treasures, please consider subscribing to the blog here, and I will send you a regular email with my latest blog post.  It is my intention to allow my subscribers to have first access to material that is made available.

I have reworked the content on the website, to collect previous blogs under categories and tags.  You can access previous blogs on a keyword in this way as well as making use of the search facility on the website.  I want to point out one main menu item called Word at the Moment, which is the current topic God is talking to my heart about.  At the moment, the specific word is Flourish, focusing primarily on Gods call to me to Flourish and bear much fruit. This page, will make all previous and related blog posts available on one page from the main menu.  It will also include further insights and information not included in the weekly blog.  All the previous Words @ Moment are available under Life Wisdom on the top menu (they include Love, Rest, Circumspect and Flourish.

A bit more about me: 

I love Jelly Tots!  They are my favorite sweet, I eat them one color at a time. My most precious possession is my bible and along with that my journals (I am a believer in writing it all down so that I don’t forget.)  I also love butterflies, pansies, hearts, roosters, the smell and taste of coffee, cooking, crafts (my favorite is crochet), a good book, live music, long family dinners, early mornings in my garden, taking photo’s, camping (yes you read right, I camp) and over-landing in our 4×4 truck.  There is a whole world out there to explore and I think life is one exciting adventure.

Connect with me:

I look forward to getting to know you, so find me on Facebook and Pinterest.  If you want to send me a personal mail, please send it to

All my love and kisses,

P.S You may want to see a Statement of Faith from me here.





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My Flesh and My Heart Fail

“Please help me Lord, please help me to find a way forward. Lord, I don’t know what to do, help me to find my rest in You.  With all that has happened Lord, with all [...]

This is Adrian and I at a picnic.  In 2021 we celebrate 27 years together.  I love this man.

Timothy and Jessica are good friends and I am incredibly proud of them.  Tim works as a Software Engineer in Johannesburg and Jessica is studying a BA Law at the University of Wits.

A recent birthday celebration with my family.

Teaching at the Oil of Joy Conference.  How to weather the storms in life? Bring an umbrella.

I love the outdoors, be it camping, hiking, visiting around the fire.  We regularly go on "adventure" trips as Adrian calls them.

The women who mentor at Cedars.  Mentoring is a life calling for me and I spend most of my time building into other women.  Most of these women I have know for years and count them as my dearest friends.

This is my PA, Martie.  She is a SMartie.  She is the woman behind much of the beautiful social media posts of Heart Treasure, making sure that there is always a positive message going out to our followers.

I love doing Retreats and this one "Not Forsaken" with the women at Newim Retreat was such a fantastic experience.  Glenda McMinn and her team put together a fabulous weekend for women.

In 2018, I started an initiative called Quaintrelle, teaching crafts to women who did not have jobs, or battling financially.  I really did make an attempt to find a market for their products, but with all the changes in our world, have decided to put this idea in a box for later.  I am still excited about this venture, learning new crafts all the time.

I love doing retreats, there is something about going on a spiritual journey with a friend and watching what God does.  Cedars had regular retreats, this was our third one.  In one weekend, we maximally input into the lives of the women we mentor.  Every year, I am amazed at what God does.

Teaching at a day retreat for Meet With Me Ladies Retreats.  Marsha Conning and her team working in the Pretoria/ JHB area, offer one day getaways that are good for the soul.

Teaching Cynthia to crochet for Quaintrelle.  Cynthia had not found work for 3 years, but found new hope and purpose in Quaintrelle.

These are some of my closest friends and leaders of Cedars Women mentoring group.  They are Thora on my right, then Rene, Brenda, Dee and Kerrie.

Organising the annual Beauty for Ashes conferences with Aldyth Thompson and Karen Brooks was one of the highlights of my life.  Here I am with Michelle Cushatt, one of the speakers.

I absolutely love cooking and baking.  Blue Berry Cheesecake is my specialty.

Adrian and I recently finished the Tankwa Camino, with dear friend Thora and Craig.  A full 256km, 10 day endurance walk.   Adrian and I are currently visiting the four corners of South Africa on overlanding trips.

I have known Michelle for several years. We met through a mutual friend, Nicky Fuller, and for a while I attended the ladies’ group Cedars, that Michelle leads. As an Elder’s wife at LRC Church I lead a women’s group that meets on a monthly basis. I invited Michelle to be our guest speaker at one of our meetings. Michelle and I met beforehand to discuss my expectations. I found Michelle to be eager to hear what I was planning and keen to hear what the Holy Spirit had in mind for the day. I loved her dedication to prayer to hear God. On the day she was well prepared and enthusiastic. Her talk was well constructed and clear; suitable for women in different phases of life. She brought in some humour and kept the ladies entertained.

Leonie Currin, Elder’s wife at LRC Church

She Speaks Conference in the United States, hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Michelle du Toit currently features in the Joy Magazine as one of the Women of Grace.



