An Online Bible Study
As winter turns to spring, all of us eventually pack away some of our warmer clothes for the summer. Some of us even go a bit further and do a total revamp of our closet for the new season. Out goes the fashion from last year, in comes new fresh styles that fit in with the person we are in the new season of summer.
Personally this physical exercise of cleaning out my closet often brings an excitement for the new season, a time to prepare for the summer fun ahead. It is a real pity, that when we sense a new season coming into our personal lives, we don’t “do a revamp of our spiritual closet” so to speak, since there is definitely different seasons in our spiritual life and we regularly need a cleaning out of our hearts and minds to usher in a new season in our lives.
OUT should go: that which is not part of who we are now, the old person with its attitudes and behavior that our simply out of date and don’t fit in with the new person we are in Christ.
INTO our lives should come new attitudes and behavior that is more in line with what Christ has revealed to us in the word and who we are in Christ.
This process is exactly what Paul describes in Eph 4:22-24:
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. “
Many believers think that we only do this when we first become believers, leaving off old non-Christian habits as we embrace the new Christian life. But I disagree, I believe that any time you usher in a new season in your life, you should do a review of your spiritual life, your “spiritual closet”. If we are going to make changes for our new life, it should not only be limited to behavior, but also to the inner workings of our hearts.
We need to make a decision to change regardless of the cost, the pain, or whatever else may come. We have to choose to get rid of the old stuff: our hang-ups; wrong thinking; bad habits and fleshly tendencies. These things block the true expression of our new identity in Christ. We need to bag it in a black bag and get rid of it.
So too, there is Christ’s way of life to embrace, His way and purpose for our lives which may not come naturally. With the help of the Spirit, we are made new in Christ and we have to make choices to embrace life.
I was facing changes in my life and God spoke to me about doing a review of my spiritual closet in preparation for the new thing that God was going to work into my life. This is a study and meditation on Colossians 3:1-17. It will facilitate a process of doing some spiritual spring cleaning of your life, particularly in the area of how you relate to other people. It will require some personal reflection, some personal hard work and a trust that as you come to the end of the process, the Lord would have worked in your character to prepare you for the next season of your life. This study examines:
- What needs to be removed from your relationships?
- What the Lord wants to build into your character and person?
- How He wants you and I to live the new life out in Christ.
Each installment comes with reflective questions and personal study that will enhance your experience of the material. Dear friend, it was a revealing and healing time for me, hope it is for you too!
P.S. It is always better to walk a distance with another, so why not share this online bible study with a friend and work through the material together