Togetherness is Good
Being together is not the same as togetherness. Two people can be in each other’s company, but it does not mean that they are together. Togetherness implies one with another, united, collectively in a team, [...]
Being together is not the same as togetherness. Two people can be in each other’s company, but it does not mean that they are together. Togetherness implies one with another, united, collectively in a team, [...]
Who is in your life today that makes your heart flow with thanksgiving to the Lord? If you have a friend or group of friends who faithfully follow the Lord and remain steadfast year after year, take the time to tell them what treasured friends they are.
Practically, how does it look to "bloom where you are planted?"
To encourage someone means to build courage in someone and is a characteristic of our new lives in Christ. We are all able to stand firm because of encouragement.
Everything we need in life is tied up in love
"Life is a journey, not a destination." That quote is often attributed to the American philosopher and writer Ralph Waldo Emerson. Meaning that life should be viewed as an ongoing process of growth, discovery, and [...]
Gift giving is powerful and at no time is it more powerful than in this season, where we remember the best gift of all. Merry Christmas.
When feelings have the authority in our lives, rather than truth, we can fall into a dangerous trap.
Do we need to be accepted in order to change, or do we need to change in order to be accepted?
If God is our Father, how do we know that He is a good father? What does a good father look like? Scripture is clear about how God's love towards us is perfect. All He does for us is motivated by His love.