Three Changes to Make Before Change
So, you are contemplating making changes? Here are three changes to make before you step into change.
So, you are contemplating making changes? Here are three changes to make before you step into change.
Having faith and believing brings with it a rest for the spirit.
If you are wanting God to intervene in your life, then you need to shut the door on a few things.
I have been fascinated with Psalm 69 in the last few days, since I have been reading about a season in David’s life when he was at the “end of his rope.” There are probably [...]
Did Jesus experience emotional pain as well as physical pain? What experiences would have hurt His heart deeply on the way to the cross?
What does it mean to cast your burden on the Lord and how do you do it?
What are you expecting from God? Why should you have an expectant heart and expecting what?
There are moments in our walk with God when He seems silent. This time can be really difficult, here are four things to do when you are not hearing from God.
If God is our Father, how do we know that He is a good father? What does a good father look like? Scripture is clear about how God's love towards us is perfect. All He does for us is motivated by His love.
When I was younger, we used to sing a cheerful song in church with the words: “I will enter His courts with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise. I will [...]