Send a Prayer
Praying, is much like sending a letter or email to God.
Praying, is much like sending a letter or email to God.
It is easier to drift along in time and circumstances, than seek out the Lords presence for refreshment
Before rushing into 2021, be mindful to be thankful for 2020.
Last time we discussed the age-old strategy of “Divide and Conquer” which the enemy uses to cause a lack of unity in the body of Christ. This strategy is aimed at identifying which relationships or [...]
What happens if we are experiencing life as dull, when it is all about what we do with our time? Do you feel that there is never time for the things you enjoy because there is so much that you still have to do?
Why is it hard to pray sometimes? Faith is practicing the sovereignty of God, before we ask. Coming from a place of rest, is resting in who God is, before we ask.
How does one make your life count for eternity? Surely this life has to have a purpose beyond going to heaven one day? What would eternal value look like in my life?
Rest does not mean you stop completely. We live in a world where rest often equates to leisure time, where there is a cessation of work and an indulgence in the pleasures of life. We [...]
Life makes it that we are always pushing, all based on the fear that we will miss out. What does God want for us in this world where getting ahead means you push.
Life has us hurrying off to do the next thing, always busy, rushing. We need to slow down, pay attention or give up the enjoyment of life.