Bloom Where You are Planted
Practically, how does it look to "bloom where you are planted?"
Practically, how does it look to "bloom where you are planted?"
The act of faith is to put ourselves in the Potter's hands and then by continuous exercise of our faith, keep ourselves there.
When we want to learn a new skill, we take care to learn everything we can about that subject. An artists will try different mediums and techniques to enhance their art. A musicians will practice [...]
What is the difference between knowing the Word of God and meditating on the Word of God?
What does it mean when we say goodness and mercy will follow us?
God’s word will bring an eternal harvest in the lives of those who tend their hearts and absorb the rain, taking on the attitude of a farmer. We explore ten insights about farmers to contribute to spiritual growth.
How to identify what obstacles are preventing your spiritual growth?
Jesus is the source to address our emptiness.
What will be the impact of God's love be in our lives?
Don’t confuse a great and full life with no challenges, no hardships or suffering. But you ain't seen nothin' yet of God's goodness.