How to Cast Your Cares?
What does it mean to cast your burden on the Lord and how do you do it?
What does it mean to cast your burden on the Lord and how do you do it?
That call to surrender...everything. We kick against it and fight to hold onto what we have. Why surrender? Is He to be trusted?
What does it mean when we say goodness and mercy will follow us?
Ever feel that you are "not good enough" for God, or society. You are not the only one. What does the bible say about us?
We all need something to hold on to. Someone to lean on. Heb 6:19 (NIV) says that; “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary [...]
Wondering about next year, the future and if things are going to get better? Wondering how you will carry on, move ahead, get going?
How do you find a sure confidence in God, so that you can praise Him every day? Can your heart be elevated above the daily distractions of each day? Can one move from a “fainting heart” to an “elevated heart?”
There are moments in our walk with God when He seems silent. This time can be really difficult, here are four things to do when you are not hearing from God.
Why would a good father, take long to send good things to His children? Why would God take so long to satisfy the desires of my heart if He really loves me and knows that I need it?
While we are not in heaven, what does this life hold for us? How do we do life when circumstances are difficult?