Togetherness is Good
Being together is not the same as togetherness. Two people can be in each other’s company, but it does not mean that they are together. Togetherness implies one with another, united, collectively in a team, [...]
Being together is not the same as togetherness. Two people can be in each other’s company, but it does not mean that they are together. Togetherness implies one with another, united, collectively in a team, [...]
Sometimes life throws us circumstances that bend us out of shape, morph us into what is not normal for us. What to do?
In staying yielded to God and not in control, it is important to remember how the Master Potter Works.
Do we take the battle against unbelief seriously, or do we think it is normal to not believe in difficult circumstances?
What is the difference between doubt and unbelief? Is it bad to doubt?
To encourage someone means to build courage in someone and is a characteristic of our new lives in Christ. We are all able to stand firm because of encouragement.
How Worship will transform our discouragement and depression.
When life and the experience of life gets tough, we need to watch out for the temptation of the enemy to surrender our hope.
Is it possible to come to a point where events in the world around me, do not move me? When my own circumstances may be so difficult and still, they do not move me?
How can God become my refuge and my strength?