What is disobedience? The dictionary says it is to refuse to obey rules and fail to comply with authority. Disobedience is a characteristic of rebellion, but scripture says that disobedience is considered rebellion.
In 1 Sam 12-15 we study the life of Saul. In chapter 12:13-15 obedience was one of the characteristics required of a king of Israel. In chapter 13, Saul and Israel are assembled to fight the Philistines who had “three thousand chariots, six thousand charioteers, and soldiers as numerous as the sand on the seashore.” The army and Saul are “quaking with fear” while Saul waits at Gilgal for Samuel to arrive. When we forget who is on our side, or see only our own resources, we tend to panic at the sight of the opposition.
Taking things into our own hands
They are waiting for Samuel to make a sacrifice before they attack the Philistines. It was against the law for Saul to make a sacrifice (Deut 12:5-14) and against Samuel’s (God’s voice) instructions in chapter 10:8. But Saul, took it upon himself to make the sacrifice when Samuel was late. Samuel confronts Saul in chapter 13:13-15
“You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.”
Saul had not submitted to God’s authority over Him and Saul did not obey the Word of God, as a result all the favor and blessing that was due to him, was given to another. A hard lesson in disobedience for Saul.
Fourteen years later, Saul gets another chance. Samuel gives Saul an instruction from the Lord to “totally destroy everything” that belongs to the Amalekites. (1 Sam 15:2)
“But Saul and the army spared Agag and the best of the sheep and cattle, the fat calves and lambs—everything that was good. These they were unwilling to destroy completely, but everything that was despised and weak they totally destroyed.” (1 Samuel 15:9)
Selective Obedience
In other words, Saul practices selective obedience. He obeyed in the way that he preferred. Gods’ response?
“I regret that I made Saul king, for he has turned away from following Me and has not carried out My commands.” (1 Samuel 15:11)
Samuel asks Saul in verse 19 “Why did you not obey the Lord?”
The evil is disobedience to God’s instructions and not submitting to God’s authority.
Saul hardens his heart and justifies himself. He is blind to his disobedience and in verse 20-21 defends himself saying that – all that he has done is for the Lord and he didn’t do anything wrong. Samuel filled with the Holy Spirit says that to obey is better and that even when we are only disobedient in one area of our life, all the sacrifices in the world will not change it. In other words…
God responds to obedience.
In verse 23 Samuel equates Saul’s rebellion to witchcraft (which was an irresistible influence, that seduced and led the people of God into deception.) Saul’s small sin in keeping king Agag alive was indicative of a stubborn spirit that was equivalent to idolatry (where other loves are greater than your love for God).
When we live in disobedience, we like Saul, live in spiritual blindness and deafness, we cannot see that we live in disobedience, and we lose the discernment to see what is right and wrong. We are deceived.
Disobedience is a characteristic of rebellion. Disobedience to God’s word is to choose our own authority over our lives instead of the authority of God’s word.
Thank goodness that unlike Saul we have the Holy Spirit who will point out our disobedience to us, pluck it out and reconcile us to God. God looks at our hearts and when God sees a heart that longs to please Him, God helps and delivers.
O Lord, I recognise in myself a tendency towards partial or selective obedience, being blind to my own error and not willing to give up having my way. I confess that You are my King and Lord of my life and that Jesus’ sacrifice has bought for me forgiveness of sin. Help me not to harden my heart and continue in my disobedience but help me to obey your Word and live in Your ways.
What does obedience look like?
How The Enemy Hinders Obedience
Spiritual Rebellion
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