Broken a Resolution Yet?
Are new year resolutions a wise approach?
Are new year resolutions a wise approach?
Let us define mentoring and how it differs to the business world. We also explore the ultimate goal of mentoring and its characteristics, a new approach to a life style.
Are you looking for a mentor? Here are five characteristics to look for in a good mentor.
Jesus gave us a blue print as to how to go about mentoring in our world. He was intentional with His choices, His time and His lifestyle.
Potential mentors suffer from feelings of inadequacy. Here are three common reasons why people think they do not qualify to mentor another.
These three attitudes are recognised in every good mentor and bring about life long change in the people they influence. They are qualities that are developed over time and take a concious decision.
The mentoring model can and should be adjusted according to the personalities we are dealing with, the circumstances we find ourselves in, and the goals of our mentoring.
What characteristics should I look for in myself if I want to be mentored?
God gives believers mandates for serving His church. There is the Great Call to follow Him; the Great Commission; the Great Commandment and His Mandate for Women.
“I am too old to do anything for the kingdom of God, it is up to the younger generations to do it now.” Do older people have a role to play when they don't have the energy anymore.