Hannah – Blessed to be a blessing
Hannah's story shows us how our blessings are actually meant to be a blessing for others. She also shows us the importance of being faithful to the Lord and generously giving Him our treasures.
Hannah's story shows us how our blessings are actually meant to be a blessing for others. She also shows us the importance of being faithful to the Lord and generously giving Him our treasures.
Gift giving is powerful and at no time is it more powerful than in this season, where we remember the best gift of all. Merry Christmas.
Giving is easy to do from a distance, it appeases our conscience. Choosing to do our giving in relationship will cost us and bring us to an understanding of sacrifice.
When we live generously, we are in a position to see lives change around us. How does giving our time, energy, resources and talents bring about restoration in the lives of people?
During times of scarcity, we all cut back. When things are scarce, generosity is the last thing we think of. But can one develop a heart that is generous, even when things are scarce?
Have you noticed the Christmas decorations have arrived in the shops? To me it signals the start of that "end of year" period, when we run around trying to finish the year off. It's end [...]