Togetherness is Good
Being together is not the same as togetherness. Two people can be in each other’s company, but it does not mean that they are together. Togetherness implies one with another, united, collectively in a team, [...]
Being together is not the same as togetherness. Two people can be in each other’s company, but it does not mean that they are together. Togetherness implies one with another, united, collectively in a team, [...]
Hannah's story shows us how our blessings are actually meant to be a blessing for others. She also shows us the importance of being faithful to the Lord and generously giving Him our treasures.
Extending your Christmas experience with love and good deeds.
Many a believer will give an intellectual acknowledgement of the importance of good deeds; I am one of them. However, a quick examination of one’s life will show you that there is always space for [...]
God gives believers mandates for serving His church. There is the Great Call to follow Him; the Great Commission; the Great Commandment and His Mandate for Women.
“I am too old to do anything for the kingdom of God, it is up to the younger generations to do it now.” Do older people have a role to play when they don't have the energy anymore.
Often we feel that we cannot change anything about the world we live in. Yet we all have relationships with other people and come across people in our day to day life. Could we be more intentional about how we approach the people in our lives? We look at Jesus' example to find answers.
Are there brothers and sisters in the family of God, or step family? Our attitude to them, will determine how we treat them. How does God prepare us for relationships?
Male and female, both have a part to play. But we as woman often underplay the role we have to play in the church of God. Both men and woman are part of the “priesthood [...]