A Circle or a Line
I used to have a circle of friends who met weekly, called Friday Girls. We were all in similar life stages, intimate, women who really did help each other out, share problems, share tears, laughter [...]
I used to have a circle of friends who met weekly, called Friday Girls. We were all in similar life stages, intimate, women who really did help each other out, share problems, share tears, laughter [...]
Hannah's story shows us how our blessings are actually meant to be a blessing for others. She also shows us the importance of being faithful to the Lord and generously giving Him our treasures.
Six reasons why we don't follow through on our goals and plans.
How to build a faith based vision for your life that will drive your energy and faith.
Practically, how does it look to "bloom where you are planted?"
In staying yielded to God and not in control, it is important to remember how the Master Potter Works.
How are we mindful that our days of life store up for us treasures in heaven?
Trust Your Feelings I once received the advice to “trust my feelings”, and honestly, the worst advice I ever got! All it did, was get me in a really bad situation. What does that mean [...]
Will you worship Him at the end of it all, Or will you worship Him in the Storm?
What is the cause and remedy for a hardened heart?