I would never have described myself as a person that battles with unbelief. I have been a believer for many years, love the Lord with all my heart, spend regular time in scripture, go to church, worship Jesus and would think that after all these years, I have strong faith.
But, I have come to realise over the last year, that belief and unbelief can reside in a heart at the same time. It is possible to passionately believe and yet struggle with unbelief in certain areas or circumstances. We have an enemy that knows how crippling unbelief is to our lives. He knows that if he can tempt us to unbelief, he can prevent us from embracing all the promises and purposes of God in our lives.
Belief and Unbelief
I can think of three incidences in the bible where belief and unbelief were in the heart of a believer at the same time:
- The Father in Mark 9:24 who says to the Lord: “Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief.”
- Peter, who in belief walked on water in Matt 14:28-31, then in the very next moment sank beneath the waves in unbelief.
- Martha, standing next to the grave of Lazarus, believing in life after death, but in unbelief warning the Lord about the stink in her brother’s grave.
It is then, a common temptation for believers to be tempted by unbelief and yet believe that: “I am NOT tempted by unbelief.” I certainly did.
Here are three ways in which the enemy lays the foundation for unbelief to develop in our hearts:
He keeps us ignorant of God’s will.
If I asked you what is our inheritance as children of God, would you be able to answer? (Eph 1:3-14). The same children are equally ignorant of the promises of God’s word. No matter how long you have been a believer, we all can get a bit rusty on the Word of God if we are not regularly in it! Equally, we may get so used to hearing scripture that we don’t pay attention to what it actually says.
From the moment we become believers we “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim 6:12) working hard to maintain our faith while we survive our own circumstances and weaknesses every day.
But our enemy will tempt us to be casual with the Word of God, keeping us unprepared and blind. When we consider the story of the father and his son in Mark 9, who said: “Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief,” we forget that the disciples also felt defeated, not able to cast the demon out. Jesus later tells them that it is because of their unbelief, and that this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting. Jesus is not referring to demon but referring to their unbelief. (One cannot fast a demon out, instead we have been given authority in Jesus’ name to cast out demons.) The disciples did not believe in the authority they had been given by Jesus earlier, so the way to overcome their unbelief was prayer and fasting. Spending time in the presence of God.
He induces fear which lays the foundation for unbelief.
The enemy will awaken fear in us (pushing our fear buttons) and immediately sets off a chain of thinking patterns inside of us, that builds on our unbelief. Phil4:6 tells us not to be anxious, but even if you and I know the promises of God, fear will stop us believing them.
We cannot worry and trust God at the same time.
In Numbers 13:31-33, the Israelites did not enter the promised land of God because of their unbelief. It was because of their sin of unbelief (not another’s sin). It was not because God didn’t want them there (it was His will), nor because they were unworthy (God loved them), nor because he was trying to teach them something. In their fear, they believed they were like “grasshoppers” – but God had said, “rise up and take the land.”
In short: Believe God, then take action. Become afraid, don’t believe, don’t take action.
This unbelief brought on by fear will block us from receiving from God every time. On the other hand, faith cancels fear. Look at the story of Jairus and his daughter. On the way with Jesus beside him, the people told Jarius his daughter was dead, just like the world will tell you hope is dead. The people are grieving at his door, everything points towards death. But Jesus says to him,” Do not be afraid, only believe.” (Mark 5:36)
Jairus deals with his fear by putting his faith in the person of Jesus, and thus receives healing for his daughter. Jesus helps him to cancel out his fear and believe. His faith releases the miracle working power in his life.
He makes us question God’s love for us
1 John 4:16 tells us that we know the love that God has for us. This love has provided us with life and abundant life (John 10:10). We all agree that “God so loved the world” but somehow, we don’t believe it for ourselves.
We are like the disciples in the storm, Jesus is in the boat with them, after they have tried everything to survive the storm in their own strength, and there is no way forward, they come to Jesus:
“Lord, don’t you care that we are going down?” We say this when we get to our last strand of hope: “God don’t you care for me?” This was the disciple’s unbelief taking hold – hadn’t Jesus said “let us go to the other side”, why would he deceive them. But now, at this point, they believe they are going down.
Jesus asks: “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
They questioned Jesus’ love for them, and in doing that ushered unbelief into their hearts.
The same goes for the Israelites who had trusted God’s love and left Egypt with Moses. Then they started believing that God, through Moses, had brought them into the dessert to die – they no longer believed in the love that made them leave Egypt. Now that Pharoah was approaching, they are afraid and they questioned God’s character of Love.
They started off believing in His love and then applied evil motives to God.
Mark 11:22 tells us: “Have faith in God.” This means ALL his character of which the primary characteristic is love.
Knowing now, how we open our hearts to unbelief, is it possible that you are open to unbelief?
Lord Jesus, help me not to neglect my time in your Word. Help me to remember that it is powerful, holds all Your wisdom which is available to us without prejudice. Help me to remember that the Word acts like a shield to fight against the fiery darts of unbelief that the enemy will shoot my way. Help me Lord to not merely listen to Your Word but do what it says. Help me to actively guard against fear in my heart and replace it with faith in your character. Your heart of love cares for me, help me to know this love. To grasp how wide and long and high and deep is your love that surpasses my understanding. Help me to guard against the temptation of allowing unbelief to settle in my heart and lead me to sin. Help me to maintain the condition of my trust and faith in you, so that I may rise above my circumstances and after I have done everything, my faith will stand.
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